United Nations Convention against Corruption
General Information
- Type: Convention
- Date of signature: 31/10/2003
- Place of signature: New York, USA
- Depositary: Secretary-General of the United Nations
- Date of entry into force: 14/12/2005
Sub category
What is it about?
Corruption impoverishes countries and deprives their citizens of good governance. It destabilizes economic systems and erodes basic public functions and the quality of life of people. This instrument is the first global legally binding instrument against corruption. The Convention contains a broad range of measures designed for preventative action at the national level, aimed at strengthening cooperation among countries in the area of prevention. The Convention also requires countries to adopt provisions criminalizing certain forms of conduct, such as bribery, embezzlement and money laundering. An important part of the Convention is dedicated to fostering international cooperation with specific measures such as extradition and mutual legal assistance. An entirely new set of rules and measures relates to asset recovery. Finally, the convention includes measures on technical cooperation to strengthen the capacity of developing countries in implementing its provisions.
Why is it relevant?
This Convention undertakes the struggle against corruption from a global perspective. It imposes obligations on State parties from where corruption occurs as well as those where it occurs. It acts also to help to recover losses.
Additional Information
The Convention creates a Conference of State Parties responsible for the promotion and monitoring the application of its provisions.
Related treaties
- OECD Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions (Paris, 17 December 1997).
Country | Ratification date |
Afghanistan | 25/08/2008 |
Albania | 25/05/2006 |
Algeria | 25/08/2004 |
Angola | 29/08/2006 |
Antigua and Barbuda | 21/06/2006 |
Argentina | 28/08/2006 |
Armenia | 08/03/2007 |
Australia | 07/12/2005 |
Austria | 11/01/2006 |
Azerbaijan | 01/11/2005 |
Bahamas | 10/01/2008 |
Bangladesh | 27/02/2007 |
Belarus | 17/02/2005 |
Belgium | 25/09/2008 |
Benin | 14/10/2004 |
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) | 05/12/2005 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | 26/10/2006 |
Botswana | 27/06/2011 |
Brazil | 15/06/2005 |
Brunei Darussalam | 02/12/2008 |
Bulgaria | 20/09/2006 |
Burkina Faso | 10/10/2006 |
Burundi | 10/03/2006 |
Cambodia | 05/09/2007 |
Cameroon | 06/02/2006 |
Canada | 02/10/2007 |
Cape Verde | 23/04/2008 |
Central African Republic | 06/10/2006 |
Chile | 13/09/2006 |
China | 13/01/2006 |
Colombia | 27/10/2007 |
Comoros | 11/10/2012 |
Congo | 13/07/2006 |
Costa Rica | 21/03/2007 |
Croatia | 25/04/2005 |
Cuba | 09/02/2007 |
Cyprus | 23/02/2009 |
Czech Republic | 29/11/2013 |
Democratic Republic of the Congo | 23/09/2010 |
Denmark | 26/12/2006 |
Djibouti | 20/04/2005 |
Dominica | 28/05/2010 |
Dominican Republic | 26/10/2006 |
Ecuador | 15/09/2005 |
Egypt | 25/02/2005 |
El Salvador | 01/07/2004 |
Estonia | 12/04/2010 |
Ethiopia | 26/11/2007 |
Fiji | 14/05/2008 |
Finland | 20/06/2006 |
France | 11/07/2005 |
Gabon | 01/10/2007 |
Gambia | 08/07/2015 |
Georgia | 04/11/2008 |
Germany | 12/11/2014 |
Ghana | 27/06/2007 |
Greece | 17/09/2008 |
Grenada | 01/04/2015 |
Guatemala | 03/11/2006 |
Guinea | 29/05/2013 |
Guinea-Bissau | 10/09/2007 |
Guyana | 16/04/2008 |
Haiti | 14/09/2009 |
Honduras | 23/05/2005 |
Hungary | 19/04/2005 |
Iceland | 01/03/2011 |
India | 09/05/2011 |
Indonesia | 19/09/2006 |
Iran | 20/04/2009 |
Iraq | 17/03/2008 |
Ireland | 09/11/2011 |
Israel | 04/02/2009 |
Italy | 05/10/2009 |
Jamaica | 05/03/2008 |
Jordan | 24/02/2005 |
Kazakhstan | 18/06/2008 |
Kenya | 09/12/2003 |
Kiribati | 27/09/2013 |
Kuwait | 16/02/2007 |
Kyrgyzstan | 16/09/2005 |
Lao People's Democratic Republic | 25/09/2009 |
Latvia | 04/01/2006 |
Lebanon | 22/04/2009 |
Lesotho | 16/09/2005 |
Liberia | 16/09/2005 |
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya | 07/06/2005 |
Liechtenstein | 08/07/2010 |
Lithuania | 21/12/2006 |
Luxembourg | 06/11/2007 |
Macedonia (The former Yugoslav Republic of) | 13/04/2007 |
Madagascar | 22/09/2004 |
Malawi | 04/12/2007 |
Malaysia | 24/09/2008 |
Maldives | 22/03/2007 |
Mali | 18/04/2008 |
Malta | 11/04/2008 |
Marshall Islands | 17/11/2011 |
Mauritania | 25/10/2006 |
Mauritius | 15/12/2004 |
Mexico | 20/07/2004 |
Micronesia (Federated States of) | 21/03/2012 |
Moldova | 01/10/2007 |
Mongolia | 11/01/2006 |
Montenegro | 23/10/2006 |
Morocco | 09/05/2007 |
Mozambique | 09/04/2008 |
Myanmar | 20/12/2012 |
Namibia | 03/08/2004 |
Nauru | 12/07/2011 |
Nepal | 31/03/2011 |
Netherlands | 31/10/2006 |
New Zealand | 01/12/2015 |
Nicaragua | 15/02/2006 |
Niger | 11/08/2008 |
Nigeria | 14/12/2004 |
Norway | 31/10/2006 |
Oman | 09/01/2014 |
Pakistan | 31/08/2007 |
Palau | 24/03/2009 |
Panama | 23/09/2005 |
Papua New Guinea | 16/09/2007 |
Paraguay | 01/06/2005 |
Peru | 16/11/2004 |
Philippines | 08/11/2006 |
Poland | 15/09/2006 |
Portugal | 15/08/2007 |
Qatar | 30/01/2007 |
Republic of Korea | 27/03/2008 |
Romania | 02/11/2004 |
Russian Federation | 09/05/2006 |
Rwanda | 04/10/2006 |
Saint Lucia | 25/11/2011 |
Sao Tome and Principe | 12/04/2006 |
Saudi Arabia | 29/04/2013 |
Senegal | 16/11/2005 |
Serbia | 20/12/2005 |
Seychelles | 16/03/2006 |
Sierra Leone | 30/09/2004 |
Singapore | 06/11/2009 |
Slovakia | 01/06/2006 |
Slovenia | 01/04/2008 |
Solomon Islands | 06/01/2012 |
South Africa | 22/11/2004 |
South Sudan | 23/01/2015 |
Spain | 19/06/2006 |
Sri Lanka | 31/03/2004 |
Sudan | 05/09/2014 |
Swaziland | 24/09/2012 |
Sweden | 27/09/2007 |
Switzerland | 24/09/2009 |
Tajikistan | 25/09/2006 |
Thailand | 01/03/2011 |
Timor-Leste | 27/03/2009 |
Togo | 06/07/2005 |
Trinidad and Tobago | 31/05/2006 |
Tunisia | 23/09/2008 |
Turkey | 09/11/2006 |
Turkmenistan | 28/03/2005 |
Tuvalu | 04/09/2015 |
Uganda | 09/09/2004 |
Ukraine | 02/12/2009 |
United Arab Emirates | 22/02/2006 |
United Kingdom | 09/02/2006 |
United Republic of Tanzania | 25/05/2005 |
United States of America | 30/10/2006 |
Uruguay | 10/01/2007 |
Uzbekistan | 29/07/2008 |
Vanuatu | 12/07/2011 |
Venezuela | 02/02/2009 |
Viet Nam | 19/08/2009 |
Yemen | 07/11/2007 |
Zambia | 07/12/2007 |
Zimbabwe | 08/03/2007 |
Year | Ratifications |
2003 | 1 |
2004 | 14 |
2005 | 24 |
2006 | 44 |
2007 | 27 |
2008 | 21 |
2009 | 14 |
2010 | 4 |
2011 | 10 |
2012 | 5 |
2013 | 4 |
2014 | 3 |
2015 | 5 |
Total | 176 |