Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
General Information
- Type: Convention
- Date of signature: 14/07/1967
- Place of signature: Stockholm, Sweden
- Depositary: Government of Sweden
- Date of entry into force: 26/04/1970
Sub category
What is it about?
The World Intellectual Property Organization is a specialized institution of the United Nations located in Geneva. WIPO promotes the protection of intellectual property throughout the world through cooperation among States and, where appropriate, in collaboration with other international organizations. WIPO helps to ensure that the rights of creators and owners of intellectual property are protected, and that the ingenuity of inventors and authors is recognized and rewarded. The functions of WIPO are to: - promote the development of measures designed to facilitate the efficient protection of intellectual property throughout the world and to harmonize national legislation in this field; - assume, or participate in, the administration of any other international agreement designed to promote the protection of intellectual property; - encourage the conclusion of international agreements designed to promote the protection of intellectual property; - offer legal and technical assistance to States, especially those in the development stage; - assemble and disseminate information concerning the protection of intellectual property; - maintain services facilitating the international protection of intellectual property, and to provide for registration in this field, as well as the publication of data concerning these registrations. The three principle organs of WIPO are the General Assembly, the Conference, and the Coordination Committee. A Secretariat completes the group. In 2003, WIPO administered 23 international treaties regarding intellectual property and 183 States were member States to this organization.
Why is it relevant?
By ratifying this treaty, a State becomes a member of the international organization that aims to protect intellectual property throughout the world. According to WIPO, the respect of intellectual property is a driving force for world economic development and the creation of wealth for States. A member state has the possibility to participate in the work of WIPO and to be represented before its different instances. It can also take part in negotiations related to the conclusion of new intellectual property treaties.
Additional Information
The Convention establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization was revised on the September 28, 1979 and December 12, 2000.
Related treaties
- N/A.
Country | Ratification date |
Afghanistan | 13/09/2005 |
Albania | 31/03/1992 |
Algeria | 16/01/1975 |
Andorra | 28/07/1994 |
Angola | 15/01/1985 |
Antigua and Barbuda | 17/12/1999 |
Argentina | 08/07/1980 |
Armenia | 22/01/1993 |
Australia | 10/05/1972 |
Austria | 11/05/1973 |
Azerbaijan | 25/09/1995 |
Bahamas | 04/10/1976 |
Bahrain | 22/03/1995 |
Bangladesh | 11/02/1985 |
Barbados | 05/07/1979 |
Belarus | 26/01/1970 |
Belgium | 31/10/1974 |
Belize | 17/03/2000 |
Benin | 09/12/1974 |
Bhutan | 16/12/1993 |
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) | 06/04/1993 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | 01/03/1992 |
Botswana | 15/01/1998 |
Brazil | 20/12/1974 |
Brunei Darussalam | 21/01/1994 |
Bulgaria | 19/02/1970 |
Burkina Faso | 23/05/1975 |
Burundi | 30/12/1976 |
Cambodia | 25/04/1995 |
Cameroon | 03/08/1973 |
Canada | 26/03/1970 |
Cape Verde | 07/04/1997 |
Central African Republic | 23/05/1978 |
Chad | 25/06/1970 |
Chile | 25/03/1975 |
China | 03/03/1980 |
Colombia | 04/02/1980 |
Comoros | 03/01/2005 |
Congo | 02/09/1975 |
Costa Rica | 10/03/1980 |
Cote d'Ivoire | 08/02/1974 |
Croatia | 08/07/1991 |
Cuba | 27/12/1974 |
Cyprus | 26/07/1984 |
Czech Republic | 01/10/1992 |
Democratic People's Republic of Korea | 17/05/1974 |
Democratic Republic of the Congo | 14/07/1967 |
Denmark | 26/01/1970 |
Djibouti | 13/02/2002 |
Dominica | 26/06/1998 |
Dominican Republic | 27/03/2000 |
Ecuador | 22/02/1988 |
Egypt | 21/01/1975 |
El Salvador | 18/06/1979 |
Equatorial Guinea | 26/03/1997 |
Eritrea | 20/11/1996 |
Estonia | 05/11/1993 |
Ethiopia | 19/11/1997 |
Fiji | 11/11/1971 |
Finland | 08/06/1970 |
France | 18/07/1974 |
Gabon | 06/03/1975 |
Gambia | 10/09/1980 |
Georgia | 25/09/1991 |
Germany | 19/06/1970 |
Ghana | 12/03/1976 |
Greece | 04/12/1975 |
Grenada | 22/09/1998 |
Guatemala | 31/01/1983 |
Guinea | 13/08/1980 |
Guinea-Bissau | 28/03/1988 |
Guyana | 25/07/1994 |
Haiti | 02/08/1983 |
Holy See | 20/01/1975 |
Honduras | 15/08/1983 |
Hungary | 26/01/1970 |
Iceland | 13/06/1986 |
India | 31/01/1975 |
Indonesia | 18/09/1979 |
Iran | 14/12/2001 |
Iraq | 21/10/1975 |
Ireland | 26/01/1970 |
Israel | 26/01/1970 |
Italy | 20/01/1977 |
Jamaica | 25/09/1978 |
Japan | 20/01/1975 |
Jordan | 12/04/1972 |
Kazakhstan | 25/09/1991 |
Kenya | 05/07/1971 |
Kiribati | 19/04/2013 |
Kuwait | 14/04/1998 |
Kyrgyzstan | 25/09/1991 |
Lao People's Democratic Republic | 17/10/1994 |
Latvia | 21/10/1992 |
Lebanon | 30/09/1986 |
Lesotho | 18/08/1986 |
Liberia | 08/12/1988 |
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya | 28/06/1976 |
Liechtenstein | 21/02/1972 |
Lithuania | 30/01/1992 |
Luxembourg | 19/12/1974 |
Macedonia (The former Yugoslav Republic of) | 22/09/1989 |
Madagascar | 22/09/1989 |
Malawi | 11/03/1970 |
Malaysia | 01/10/1988 |
Maldives | 12/02/2004 |
Mali | 14/05/1982 |
Malta | 07/09/1977 |
Mauritania | 17/06/1976 |
Mauritius | 21/06/1976 |
Mexico | 14/03/1975 |
Moldova | 25/09/1991 |
Monaco | 03/12/1974 |
Mongolia | 28/11/1978 |
Montenegro | 04/09/2006 |
Morocco | 27/04/1971 |
Mozambique | 23/09/1996 |
Myanmar | 15/02/2001 |
Namibia | 23/09/1991 |
Nepal | 04/11/1996 |
Netherlands | 09/10/1974 |
New Zealand | 20/03/1984 |
Nicaragua | 05/02/1985 |
Niger | 18/02/1975 |
Nigeria | 09/01/1995 |
Norway | 08/03/1974 |
Oman | 19/11/1996 |
Pakistan | 06/10/1976 |
Panama | 17/06/1983 |
Papua New Guinea | 10/04/1997 |
Paraguay | 20/03/1987 |
Peru | 04/06/1980 |
Philippines | 14/04/1980 |
Poland | 23/12/1974 |
Portugal | 27/01/1975 |
Qatar | 03/06/1976 |
Republic of Korea | 01/12/1978 |
Romania | 26/01/1970 |
Russian Federation | 26/01/1970 |
Rwanda | 03/11/1983 |
Saint Kitts and Nevis | 16/08/1995 |
Saint Lucia | 21/05/1993 |
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | 29/05/1995 |
Samoa | 11/07/1997 |
San Marino | 26/03/1991 |
Sao Tome and Principe | 12/02/1998 |
Saudi Arabia | 22/02/1982 |
Senegal | 26/01/1970 |
Serbia | 27/01/1992 |
Seychelles | 16/12/1999 |
Sierra Leone | 18/02/1986 |
Singapore | 10/09/1990 |
Slovakia | 01/10/1992 |
Slovenia | 25/03/1991 |
Somalia | 18/08/1982 |
South Africa | 23/09/1974 |
Spain | 06/03/1969 |
Sri Lanka | 20/03/1970 |
Sudan | 15/08/1973 |
Suriname | 25/08/1975 |
Swaziland | 18/02/1988 |
Sweden | 12/05/1969 |
Switzerland | 26/01/1970 |
Syrian Arab Republic | 18/08/2004 |
Tajikistan | 25/09/1991 |
Thailand | 25/09/1989 |
Togo | 28/01/1975 |
Tonga | 14/03/2001 |
Trinidad and Tobago | 16/05/1988 |
Tunisia | 28/08/1975 |
Turkey | 12/02/1976 |
Turkmenistan | 25/09/1991 |
Tuvalu | 04/03/2014 |
Uganda | 18/07/1973 |
Ukraine | 26/01/1970 |
United Arab Emirates | 24/06/1974 |
United Kingdom | 26/01/1970 |
United Republic of Tanzania | 30/09/1983 |
United States of America | 25/05/1970 |
Uruguay | 21/09/1979 |
Uzbekistan | 25/09/1991 |
Vanuatu | 02/12/2011 |
Venezuela | 23/08/1984 |
Viet Nam | 02/04/1976 |
Yemen | 29/12/1978 |
Zambia | 14/02/1977 |
Zimbabwe | 29/09/1981 |
Year | Ratifications |
1967 | 1 |
1969 | 2 |
1970 | 20 |
1971 | 3 |
1972 | 3 |
1973 | 4 |
1974 | 14 |
1975 | 17 |
1976 | 10 |
1977 | 3 |
1978 | 5 |
1979 | 4 |
1980 | 10 |
1981 | 1 |
1982 | 3 |
1983 | 6 |
1984 | 3 |
1985 | 3 |
1986 | 4 |
1987 | 1 |
1988 | 6 |
1989 | 3 |
1990 | 1 |
1991 | 11 |
1992 | 7 |
1993 | 5 |
1994 | 4 |
1995 | 6 |
1996 | 4 |
1997 | 5 |
1998 | 5 |
1999 | 2 |
2000 | 2 |
2001 | 3 |
2002 | 1 |
2004 | 2 |
2005 | 2 |
2006 | 1 |
2011 | 1 |
2013 | 1 |
2014 | 1 |
Total | 190 |